Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lion's Heart

This past week I was blessed by the opportunity to reconnect with a precious sister in Christ. We sat out on her family's balcony in the glow of the evening sun and shared the joys and sorrows of the seasons we are journeying through. As I was leaving she spoke words of affirmation over me, saying that I seemed to be doing really well. I was so alive and strong - that I had a Lion's heart. I was so grateful for her words as they helped me to acknowledge the work God has been doing in me during my time back home. Even though the past two years have been a near-constant struggle marked by brokenness and frustration I now see an inner strength and courage emerging from the process. The Lord has made it clear that in the midst of trials that He has given me many sweet blessings and refined me for His glory.

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