Monday, September 24, 2007

Reality Check

So life is "interesting" here....

This last Saturday Violet, Marie (another student at the school), and I went on a day trip to visit three Catholic convenants. They were all contructed in the 17th century and from the Augustine order. It was an enjoyable excursion for the most part, but it was a lot of the same thing....All three convenants were very similar in appearance and shared the same general history. We also visited another market in the last town we were in, which was fun (found some souvenirs). I know this is not a very informative description, but really this is all I have to say....When I got back home most of my family was gone at a birthday party and Abram was watching t.v. which I didn't feel much like doing so I retreated to my bedroom. I don't think I did much besides homework for the rest of the day.

Sunday I spent most of the morning by myself (Violet was in Tepotzlan with her family). I decided not to go to church because I was having some minor issues with my family and thus far church has always been a frustrating and emotional experience at the Christian center. I had a late breakfast with my mom and then spent the rest of the morning writing a paper for my history class and making a trip to the supermarket. Early afternoon I started on my laundry and mid-way through received a phone call from Violet. We decided to meet up at a local cafe and have a Bible study. We used the time to talk a lot about recent frustrations and then transitioned into our feelings about our faith walks here in Mexico. We are both feeling a bit discouraged and uninspired at this time....For me personally, I just feel very spiritually dry here. I was so convinced that I would come here and new passion would be awakened and I would continue to grow in my love and faith in God. In reality, I feel like I´ve moved backwards and come to a standstill. I know God is with me, but He feels so distant and foreign right now.

Anyway, Violet and I decided we are going to work our way through Romans and keep each other accountable. We are also going to look for another church. Please keep both of us in your prayers though - we need it. Besides a lack of spiritual fervor I am also missing home right now (family, friends, hugs (people don´t really give hugs here), the ability to express ideas exactly as I want, the ability to understand everything that is said around me, the comfort of familiarity). So any prayer, encouragement, advice, and "loving on" would be appreciated :) I´ll be okay, so please don´t worry. I just need a little more support right now.

Sending love and blessings! I miss you.

Monday, September 17, 2007

A wonderful weekend (San Miguel to Guanajuato)

This last weekend was extraordinary! Violet and I went on a 3 day excursion and visited three beautiful and historically relevant cities: San Miguel de Allende, Dolores Hidalgo, and Guanajuato. We left bright and early friday morning at 7 am. In total we spent 10 hours in the car that day. Our first stop was San Miguel where we visited the cathedral, it is the only cathedral in Mexico that has European gothic architecture. The city itself is a big tourist attraction and the home of many foreigners, so we heard a lot of english being spoken while there. Next was Dolores, we walked by the cathedral where Miguel Hidalgo (the father of the mexican indpendence) gave the famous yell that excited the start of the fight towards independence from Spain. We also visited the house where Miguel Hidalgo spent his early childhood. And then...Guanajuato!

Guanajato was my favorite city of the three and the place we spent the majority of the weekend. It is a city nestled in between the Sierra Madres. The houses are organized in a stair step manner, and vary in color from bright pink to sea foam green. The view of our surroundings was always breathtakingly beautiful and I loved walking around the city just to soak in all the maravelous sights. There was a lot of culture and history to take in, we visited a silver mine, la Alhondiga de Grandaditas (an important museum), and the house of Diego Rivera. That evening we also observed the independence day festivities. Violet and I also had some free time which we used to visit the local market and to play in the pool :)

Left: Violet and I inside the silver mine! Right: Violet and I being dorks....

Left: Beautiful downtown Guanajuato!!! Right: Violet and I at La Alhondiga de Granaditas (the original building were the Spainards took refuge from the Mexicans)

Just being silly :)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

It´s a process!

Two weekends ago Violet and I visited Mexico City. It was fascinating to see a city so vast in culture and history. Our first stop was supposed to be at the National Palace, but unfortunately it was closed for preparation for Mexico's Independence Day (September 16). Next we wandered around the center a bit looking at the various goods sold by the street vendors (authentic mexican clothing, purses, hats, jewelry, toys, ceramics, etc). Carlos, our culture and civilization professor and general tour guide, was very patient as we milled around shopping and so forth. Next we went to the cathedral, which was absolutely beautiful....It was ornately decorated, similar to the European style and had a massive double piped organ. While we were walking around a mass was being held and the priest was singing a hymn - it was peaceful. From there we went to the museum of anthropology. It is truly a storehouse of information brimming with historical treasures. Carlos took us to the sections for the Aztecas and Olmecas, and then gave Violet and I free reign to explore. Violet and I also took a look at the section for the Mayas and the section for how the indigenous tribes live today (the entire top floor). It was all really interesting, but there was so much to see that after awhile my mind just shut off because it couldn't absorb anymore information.

It was a long day....When Violet and I got back into Cuernavaca I was exhausted and just wanted to rest up for awhile. Unfortunately, due to my extreme need for sleep I was a bit grumpy and antisocial upon returning home (Violet had the pleasure of putting up with me at that time). I went to my room to rest a bit expecting to go out with my brothers later that evening (Abram had invited me the weekend before)....Later that evening I realized that my brother were going out...but without me. I had been struggling with loneliness already, so this was difficult for me to handle. During dinner Roberto's girlfriend talked to me a bit one-on-one (I was having a really hard time at this point, close to tears). She asked me if I was lonely, but then was quick to add that I must have already made friends at the school. I told her that I was lonely, and that I had yet to actually make close friends. Her response was heartwarming, she told me that I had a friend in her and that if I ever wanted to go out with her all I needed to do was to tell Roberto. It was encouraging to hear, but at the same time I still knew that that night I would be alone. I broke down and cried again that night (all I wanted was a hug and someone to talk to).

The next morning Violet came over for church, but we ended up talking a long time in my room instead. She had been lonely during the night too so unfortunately we really missed the opportunity to support each other due to lack of communication. The rest of the day I tried to get some things done on my "to do" list, but only ended up hand washing some clothing and then I went to church with my host mom and Violet. Church was also a difficult experience. I wanted so much to worship God in song, but I didn´t know the words and just couldn´t catch on. I know that singing is not a necessity to worshiping, but it is a big part of how I worship personally. I stood there swaying back and forth to the music and silent tears rolled down my cheeks as I prayed to God and reflected on my time in Mexico. And that concluded my weekend....

This last week was fairly good, but one of the busiest so far. God blessed me with some wonderful experiences and a greater understanding of what living abroad truly entails. I realized that a lot of the "issues" that I had been struggling with were due to a lack of time. I have learned a simple lesson, and that is that learning the language, developing friendships, and nurturing my faith life in this new culture is a process - it´s going to take time and it´s going to require patience. I know it sounds obvious, but it just didn´t click before....It has given me a lot more peace with where I am at right now.

Well, Violet and I taught our first english class to spanish youth this last wednesday....It was interesting :) We went into it not knowing the levels of the kids and with few resources. We used the first class to evaluate the kids and found that we had two drastically different levels. I worked with Nemo and Andrea (both at the very most 5 years old) who were adorable but definitely as basic as it get in their english abilities. They actually don´t even know their numbers in letters in spanish so I am going to have to be very careful in what I teach them as to not confuse them in developing their native language. I think it will be very worthwhile though, it won´t be long until I am head over heels in love with those kids.

Thank you all for your patience with my blog posting! I just don´t get around to it as much as I should. I will post again soon to share about this last weekend (it was absolutely amazing)!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Pictures Part II

This is what the hike looked like all the way up (well...steeper and wetter at times)
The the top!

The beautiful view from the top of the mountain.

The Market! this is a posed picture, but it describes how we felt - very tired :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pictures Part I

Violet and I on the airplane on our way to Mexico City!!!

The Palace of Cortez (the first excursion)

Part of the mural on the palace walls (By Diego Rivera).

Beneath the mural the history is also explained through stone artwork.

Monday, September 3, 2007

My weekend of tears and blessing

This last weekend was eventful in every sense - activity, emotions, breakthroughs.

Saturday Violet and I had our second excursion to a rural town called Tepoztlan to climb a mountain by the name of Tepozteco and visit the local market. The drive there itself was interesting; I was able to see more of Mexico. At one point Claudio, a school authority and that day our driver, had to stop as a small pack of horses was crossing the road. It made me smile to think that this was a normal occurrence in that region. On the way there Irma, another school authority who was accompanying us, warned us that the climb could be a bit more challenging as it had rained extensively the night before. Violet and I decided we wanted to start climbing and then make a decision as to whether we wanted to continue or not....But once Irma got started on her way there was no opportunity to make a decision we just kept going. It was kind of pathetic because Irma (a woman most likely in her 40´s and also sick at the time) was breezing up this mountain while Violet and I were absolutely dying :) The hike up is 2km and took us roughly an hour. Upon reaching the top Violet and I were both quite sweaty (although she definitely won the grand prize for being the sweatiest), slightly wet from dripping flora and streams running through the mountainside, and extremely elated that we had made it. It was definitely worth it and we were so proud of ourselves. At the top there is a pyramid built by the indigenous people of the town for their God. It is nothing spectacular really, but the view from atop the pyramid is absolutely stunning (the best their is, Irma told us). We rested there awhile and had a snack and then it was back down. The way down was definitely easier except for the very beginning of the descent when it was extremely steep and slippery (Violet and I were so scared and we had no problem admitting that to Irma). Anyway, we made it back down in about half an hour and from there went to the market. The market was huge and there was so much to see (clothes, toys, ceramics, food...), but Violet and I were quite tired and really only had the time and energy to stroll around once and buy a few postcards. We plan on returning though when we are more in the mood to shop :)

Sunday Violet and I went to the same church again except this time by ourselves (our small group was canceled Saturday so we didn´t have a chance to talk to the youth and the rest of my family was going to a night service). I felt quite removed and foreign there that morning. Both worship and the sermon were empty for me. When we returned to my house and went up to my room the emotions I had apparently been storing up during the week came flooding out and I cried for the first time in Mexico (well...second if you count the day I couldn´t sleep but an hour and a half but that was more from exhaustion than anything else). I talked with Violet for at least an hour and a half about my frustration with my current Spanish abilities, my desire to know my family better, and the challenging state of our friendship at present. It was good to have her there and we prayed before she left which was much needed. It was soon after that that things much improved (God is good).

I ended up going furniture shopping with my family :) They thought I would be bored out of my mind, but I actually had a lot of fun. I got to talk with my host mom and Abram a lot more. Also, my dad wanted to know my opinion on every couch that they were considering (which did I like better, which was more comfortable). I found it slightly amusing that he wanted my opinion even though I would only be living with the family for 4 months, but at the same time I was touched by his consideration of my opinion on the matter. We ended up shopping right up until the point when my family needed to go to church so I ended up going again because it was easier that way. It was such a blessing from God. This time there was a different speaker whom I could understand better and her words reached my heart. Also, it was just really nice to be there with my whole family worshipping and praising God together.

So...that was my weekend. Very interesting, but in a good way. Going into this I knew that there would be challenges, but there was no way I could anticipate what they would be to prepare myself. Even so, God is right here with me guiding me through the new terrain. And like Maria said to me yesterday, "when God has a plan for your life, the enemy will try to place a battle in the midst of things."