I wasn't planning on getting up at 6 am today, but between my churning stomach and the cat's death cries it seems I didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Now that I'm up it is kind of exciting to have such an early start. I've always preferred getting up early and having productive mornings, but unfortunately my body normally does not cooperate. In the near coma state that I usually find myself in the mornings my mind only processes one message "sleep more!" :)
Anyway, this weekend I had the opportunity to spend time with two good friends, Stephanie and Natalie. Being around them made me realize that I don't laugh very much any more. Not because I've become overly serious or pessimistic, but because the routine of life doesn't really present situations that allow for it. Five out of seven days a week I go to work and then come home and chill on my own. Unless I have an incredibly amusing thought I likely won't be sitting alone in my room laughing to myself. Although on occasion it does happen.
Anyway, I wonder how one goes about bringing more laughter into life...besides of course hanging around funny people (that's not always an option). Or I wonder, is laughter something to strive for when pursuing joy? Laughing certainly feels good. For me, it's a release and an energizer...but perhaps its not a real indicator of joy. Can we live joyfully without much laughter? I want to say that they share some relationship, but not sure I would dare to say that it's a complete dependency.
Well, regardless of the tie joy and laughter share I know that I enjoy laughing, and what I enjoy brings me joy. So there you have it, my not so conclusive conclusion.
What are your thoughts?