Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The mystery of God's plan

I never seem to end up where I think I'm going. I try to surrender my plan for my life and hesitantly accept what I think God is nudging me towards instead only to realize months later that that probably wasn't His intent either. I walk towards one destination only to be spun around and turned in the opposite direction. I say all of this because I have been reflecting over the last couple of months noting how many times I have surrendered my desires and adopted an alternative path believing it was in God's plans and thinking it quite comical. Who knows maybe all my changes in direction have been His way of creating the bigger picture for me and each new plan has prepared me and somehow led me to what lies ahead now.

When I graduated I was determined to stay in Oregon, but scared of moving too close to Portland because I'm not a city girl. I had to get over that quickly because cities or suburbs of cities is the only place one can really find a job these days at least in the field that I'm pursuing. So I fell in love with Portland and decided that's where I would live and work for awhile. Once I made up my mind about that and was passionately pursuing my new found dreams God presented me with job opportunities else where. Naturally. He has to be up there laughing at me, right? :)

Currently I have interviews for jobs in Seattle, Washington and Omaha, Nebraska. I've also applied for a job in Phoenix, Arizona. There's no telling where I'll end up, only that it will likely be somewhere I'm not anticipating. Maybe the ultimate twist of irony is that I'll still end up in Portland since I have about 10 resumes floating around this city....

1 comment:

David C. Russell, Author said...

Kristine, Hi. I saw you over at the blog and am new to the world of bloggin myself. My name is David, (mellow roc) live in michigan, middle-aged, married with 2 kids who are seniors in high school this year. I certainly wish you well as you continue to serve our God and people in your corner of the world which may or may not change. One thing I have learned in my 50+ years of life, is that the major moves were occurrences at the right time, but not known by me 1, 2, or 3 years ahead of time. I will drop in again, just to see where you are called to shine your light, and give out of the talents you have been given. You are well on the way!