Thursday, September 6, 2007

Pictures Part II

This is what the hike looked like all the way up (well...steeper and wetter at times)
The the top!

The beautiful view from the top of the mountain.

The Market! this is a posed picture, but it describes how we felt - very tired :)


Anonymous said...

WOW...........what a hike!! The scenery is green. I bet the air is really fresh there. God's creation is so awesome! I appreciate seeing these pictures. I am still posting as anomymous because I haven't taken the time to figure out how to do it any other way but you know who this is, Krissy.
All my love ...........Mom

Lydia said...

great pix! thanks for keeping that camera handy. you say "pyramid," i say "ziggurat!" how fun to take side trips to babylon!